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5310 Publishing released Dystopian Fantasy Honey Beaumont by Sara Bushway worldwide today

Updated: Jul 6, 2022

Honey Beaumont, released today, is available wherever books are sold, in bookstores, online, and on the publisher's website. The novel tells the story of Honey, a cowboy in a dystopian future who embarks on a journey of a lifetime.

5310 Publishing is celebrating the release of the dystopian fantasy "Honey Beaumont: Being a hero is hard" by Sara Bushway in bookstores and online in 113 countries today. The novel tells the story of Honey, a cowboy in a dystopian future who embarks on a journey of a lifetime. Bushway says she is most excited for readers to get to know the man character, Honey, when he gets to connect with others on a different level than ever before. "There is a lot of self-discovery in those chapters, and I think it will help the readers fall in love with Honey Beaumont," she said. The author celebrated with her friends on Tuesday, June 22nd, in Bethalto, Illinois. Sara says she is very excited to finally get to share her story with the world. "The journey from a short character biography to a 96,000-word novel has been a long, hard road, but well worth the wait. I couldn't have done it without the help of my publishing team and the theme that is paramount to the story itself: Hope." Honey Beaumont is set in a land destroyed by war, at a time that mirrored the excitements and dangers of the Old West, at a place where both magic and machine collide. It tells the story of The Adventurer's Guild, a group who stands for justice and serves the common man, provided they can pay. With newfound skills and friends in tow, only one hero can find the strength and courage to return to the man who tried to destroy him and make things right for his people. This hero is Honey Beaumont. Embarking on a journey of a lifetime, being a hero is harder than he could have ever imagined, but at least he has his friends by his side to help him save the day.

During her celebration, Bushway thanked her fans for opening their minds and their hearts to a story that might never have come to light if she hadn't been encouraged by them. "My readers gave me the strength to bring something new to light," she said. Honey Beaumont is available wherever books are sold, in bookstores, online, and on the publisher's website.

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